GWU – Professor Woodward Brings Christo & Jeanne-Claude

“Professor William Woodward Brings Big Names to George Washington University Department of Fine Arts”

The George Washington University Newsletter (Summer 2002)

Selected quote:

At an exclusive opening for the Christo and Jeanne-Claude in the Vogel Collection exhibition at the National Gallery of Art, painting professor William Woodward decided to act on an extraordinary opportunity.

When he met the artists Professor Woodward directly inquired if they would like to speak for The George Washington University’s Department of Fine Arts and Art History. They accepted.

Christo spoke for the first forty-five minutes about the history of the couple’s works. He wrapped up his talk with works currently in progress: Over the River: Project for the Arkansas River, Colorado and The Gates: Project for Central Park, New York City.

Jeanne-Claude, who has recently been recognized for her artistic contributions to the projects, lead the question and answer period. Participants chiefly questioned the artists about the conceptions and realization of the projects, including issues of funding, staffing, and approval by local and national government agencies.

Professor William Woodward is the Director of the Smith Distinguished Visiting Professor Program for The George Washington University Department of Fine Arts and Art History.

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Christo, Jeanne-Claude and Professor Woodward
Image courtesy of George Washington University (2002)