
William Woodward’s mural “A Dance to the Music of Time” for Patty O’s Cafe & Bakery was featured in the WSJ Magazine:

The boxy exterior of the cafe’s building has been updated with crown molding and striped sage-colored awnings. The wild, climbing foliage has been cut down. The once brown facade is now white. O’Connell says he has “softened the old gas station.”

Inside, a stone fireplace anchors the dining room. O’Connell commissioned muralist William Woodward to paint a dream-like scene depicting a joyous barn dance above the bar. “Hopefully after a few drinks, you’ll hear banjo music and feel like you can just enter the mural,” O’Connell says.

-The Little Inn That Could

Read the full article: 2021 May 30. Washington’s Little Inn That Could, Howie Kahn (Wall Street Journal Magazine)

Dance to the Music of Time
Dance to the Music of Time (detail, musicians)

All interviews & articles featuring William Woodward can be found here.


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